Saturday 31 August 2013

Kavos - the famous five

On the 27th of July 2013, me and four other people who don't need introducing because they're hideous, jetted of to the holiday destination that is Kavos, in Corfu, Greece. Actually I feel bad for not introducing my 4 friends that I went on holiday with, so here they are...

Me! I enjoyed getting thrown in a pool at 8am, 4 times, on my way home by a stag do with Hannah just laughing at me... having Larissa chase me around the room, having a shower every night either 1st or 2nd (haahha private joke) and swapping clothes with Jodie and Josie.

This is Jodie, she is 19, female, enjoys long walks around priory park and nice brew in the Tudor Rose. Jodies kavos regrets consist of: not filming the police as they drive through the strip and not having a threesome with a PR and a Serbian (Serb).

This is Hannah, She is also 19, female, she enjoys laying in the sun with no sun cream on, splitting her bottom lip and stacking outside Snobs bar after giving It the biggen to 'I woke up in a new Bugatti'.

This is Josie Elizabeth Maggie Gough, also 19, Josie would disappear for long periods of time on her own and she also lost 2 pairs of shoes in the 10 days. Josie enjoyed wearing last nights make-up around the pool the next day as well as noshing off a sausage baguette that Spiros's mother prepared.

Last, but by no means least, Larissa! Or as we called her; Maroon Madge, leather skin Lal, Boot face Larissa or Carissa. This bronzed beauty loved it when me and Jodie would tell people she had 3 kids at home and had tonsillitis. Getting paralytic every night, Larissa would always come home with a souvenir, whether it was a lilo or dingy bobber.

left to right, Josie, Jodie, Larissa, ME, Hannah. Introductions over!

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